Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Change

For the last several weeks, I have been doing 6 miles on Sunday. Today I wanted to change things up a bit. I decided I wanted to challenge myself on the treadmill and do a 5k in under 40mins. And I did it...39:38!! This is by no means super speedy for most, but for me it is awesome! Even though my total for the day was only 3.5 miles, I want to keep my mileage at 10 for the week, so I will have to do some longer runs during the week. Which is good, because my routine was getting a bit stale :)


  1. I'm guilty of doing the exact same thing I'm about to tell you not to do, but I hate that you qualify your 5K time with a "this is not fast for most people" - like I said, I do the same thing, and it's silly, because whatever we do is fantastic for us, right?! So consider me your cheerleader, and know that I'm thrilled and impressed with your achievement - go Jessica!!! :)

    1. Thanks Shelley! I am going to remember this!

  2. That's a great time! You're only racing against yourself. I always aim for less than 40'mins too.
