Sunday, Humphrey begged me to take him for a nice, long walk! I can't say no to those sweet puppy dog eyes, so I loaded us up, and we went. I decided on going to a state park trail about 20 minutes from the house.T and I had been to the trail before, but this was Humphrey's first time. When we started out, he was super excited and ready to go, but by the end of our 3+ miles he was worn out. He was so tired, he ended up taking a nap on the drive back home. It was a fun day and a great way to get in some non-gym weekend exercise. Unfortunately, I wore the wrong type of shoes for our outing (some sneakers I had gotten for Christmas, but hadn't worn much.) When we got home, I had a horrible blister on the back of my heel. It hurt, but I didn't think that much about it. When I did my shred workout for the night, I noticed a bit of discomfort, but nothing I couldn't work through.
Yesterday, I was ready to kick butt on Week 4 of the couch to 5k. I had even brought a band aid to cover the blister, and thought I would be fine. The blister killed me the entire time. Mentally, I couldn't stop thinking about the pain. I kept telling myself to push through, but as the run intervals continued, the physical pain from the blister was causing a mental block, too. Then I started having trouble keeping my breathing in check. And by the time I was about to start the last 5 minute interval, I was about to DIE to go to the restroom. I got one minute into the final run and had to stop (well I did run to the restroom). I felt horrible stopping before finishing the last 5 minute interval, but I just couldn't keep pushing. When I got to the restroom, my poor blister had turned into a horrible blister and had bled through my sock (and I'm not sure what happened to the band aid).
I wanted to just leave. To forget the rest of my workout for the day. But I didn't want to get behind on the mileage for DDGbD. I decided I would try at least one mile of the three I had planned on the bike, and if I couldn't finish that would be fine. I would leave. But, I was able to finish all three miles...and did half-mile on the beast (summit trainer). When I got home, I did my shred first thing to knock it out of the way. I was proud of what I had accomplished after almost giving up.
I am going to do a redo of Week4Day 1. I want to say that I fully completed it before checking it off. I am hoping some of the physical struggles I was having with my breathing and heart rate were caused from thinking about the blister and wanting to quit, but this may be a week that I have to work on for awhile before progressing forward.
The blister looks oh so gross today and hurts, too! I think I will be switching today for Thursdays gym rest day and only do my shred tonight. Wednesday I will try again to push through W4D1.
Hopefully, Humphrey and I can have another adventure soon, but I won't be wearing those awful sneakers again!
Do any of you have any sure fire blister treatments?