Friday, December 31, 2010

Merry-thon Complete!

I finished my Merry-thon miles last night! Thanks to everyone who joined me on this fun little challenge. Be sure to let me know if you finished! :)

Happy New Year everyone!

I can't wait for the WWW!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Three Things Thursday

1. I have missed you guys!!! It has been almost two weeks since I have been on a computer. I did stop in for about two minutes on Christmas Eve to update my miles, but I haven't read any blogs in weeks! I am ready to get caught back up with you guys.

2.  I have two more miles to go to complete my Merry-thon! I am so glad that I had this challenge to keep me moving during my vacation from work. I know that I would not have put forth the effort to go to the gym if it weren't for the challenge and knowing you guys were working to get your miles finished too!

3. I ATE WAY TOO MUCH! Of course, a few years ago, this would have been my normal, but still it was too much. There were several cookies too many , along with many dinners out with friends and evening that included cocktails in the past two weeks! But that was then, and this is now. The holidays are coming to an end, and my regular diet routine has already started back...and I am ready for that normal routine.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Three Things Thursday

1. Well, I am officially behind on my Merry-thon miles, but I know I can get caught up. Yesterday, we had a mini ice storm that kept me in the house all day. It was nice to have an unexpected day off from work, and even though I got behind on my mileage, I got ahead on other things...and FINISHED my Christmas cards! Yay! I was soo behind on cards this year, but mine are going out Today!

2. When I got to work this morning, we were SHOCKED to find out that the library had been burglarized. They broke out a Window in my children's section. It was a huge mess and glass was everywhere. They only managed to get away with $30 and some changes that was in our donations box. We had to cancel the field trip that was coming to the library this morning, but I will still have my family night event this evening. What a day!

3. Tomorrow is my last day to work for over a week! I am so ready for this off time! I am looking forward to friends, family, and getting more miles complete :)

Merry Christmas everyone!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Merry-thon Update!

I am a little over halfway finished with the Merry-thon miles. The next half will be harder because of my work schedule the rest of the week, and being at home (45 mins away) from the gym next week. But I WILL complete my Merry-thon miles, and I know you guys will too!
I am trying to make a game plan for finishing the last 13 miles. I am hoping to get in at least 6 more miles this week...then next week I will try to come to town Tuesday to hit the gym and maybe get some last minute gifts bought, and run outside Wednesday. Monday I will be out of town most of the day and doubt I could get any miles in, but if I leave my house early, I could stop at the gym before heading out. It will come together. I am commited! I can do this! Even in the craziness of December!

How many miles have you completed?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Three Things Thursday

1.  I am at 10.6 miles completed so far for the Merry-thon and plan to hit the gym again tonight. Tomorrow will be a night off from the gym and then I plan to run outside one day this weekend, if the weather isn't too bad. Yesterday our high was only 34!!! In Alabama that is COLD! And they are predicting snow for the weekend.

2. I think I have my Winter Wonderland Warriors Goals figured out...but still may tweak a few...Here they are...

1. 150 miles on foot (A combo of walking, jogging, and running)
2. 150 miles on Bike  (This will be at the gym)
3. 2 miles in 24 minutes ( I was hoping to get this done by the end of the year, but think I will still be working on it when the challenge starts)
4. Participate in an official 5k ( I haven't done one in a while.)
5. Do 100 minutes of Wii Fitness a week. ( I read about others using there Wii all the time, but usually only use it when I can't get to the gym...I want this to be an extra component.)
6. Save $100 per month.  (This will be tough, but I think I can do it.)
7.  Strength Train 2 days per week. (Maybe if I add this as a challenge goal I will be more consistent.)
8. Eat 7 fruit/Veggies per day. (In general I think I do this...but it will be more planned now.)
9. Drink at least 64oz of water per day. (This is usually no problem during the week, but I need to work on my weekend water consumption.)
10. Do something FUN once a week. (This could be a movie at home with Tommy, a Girl's Night, or taking Humphrey for a hike...just something fun...sometimes I get in a funk during the blah winter months.)

What do y'all think of those goals??

3.  For the last couple of weeks, my calories have been up...not really with fat heavy foods, but I have just wanted MORE of what I usually eat. Have any of you been experiencing this?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I wish this was a Three Things Thursday post, because I am already ready for the weekend :) Just wanted to let you guys know that I joined Twitter today. Several of the blogs I read also have twitter accounts so I thought I would embrace twitter, too :) My name is MrsHillRuns so follow me :)

How are your Merry-thon miles going?  After tonight's run I should have 9 miles :) Woohoo

Monday, December 6, 2010

Winter Wonderland Warriors

The Drop Dead Gorgeous Challenge that Jess hosted will be coming to an end soon, so I am so excited that Amy has announced a new challenge that will run through the winter months, The Winder Wonderland Warriors. This challenge consists of setting 10 goals to complete during the Challenge and posting once a week, as well as some survey questions to answer...Sounds like fun to me!  Head over to Amy's blog and read all about it!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Drop Dead Gorgeous by December -Weekly Report 16

1. A picture of you holding up a positive sign for yourself.
"Tis the Season to be Drop Dead Gorgeous!"

2. Your current week’s weight as well as your challenge start weight. *optional
December Weight: 190.5
3. Your goal(s) from now, or whenever you decide to join, until December.
Goal 1: 200 tracked workout miles...(treadmill, street runs,biking,elliptical,swimming,etc) Woohoo Goal completed!
Goal 2: 5k in under 40 mins... Completed 10/30/10 PinkDressRun 38:39
Goal 3: Journal food 5days a week.  Not too bad ;)

Goal 4: Do something for myself to make me feel gorgeous. I got hit on my a college Frat boy on my way into a restaurant....Hahaha!  It made me feel gorgeous and glad that I was going in to meet my wonderful husband.

4. ONE thing that you are proud of for the week.
Picking my mileage back up :) And so many Merry-thon participants :)
5. ONE thing that you can improve upon for the following week.   
         Keep up the great gym routine.

To those of you doing this challenge, is this our last week?

Friday, December 3, 2010

Fancy Nancy

I mentioned the Fancy Nancy Party in my Three Things Thursday post I thought I would share some photos! We had a great time, but I am exhausted!
Ready to Greet my Little Fancies :)

Hannah loves a Fancy Party!

All the girls loved the Fancy table settings.

Juice and cookies! I had two cookies...

I just love this picture.

All of my Winter Staff being Fancy.

The book that inspired the party.

A few of the girls posing after the party!

I Love Mrs. Helen...she is a great team member and even better friend! Plus she looks awesome!

This was a registration event and all 25 little girls showed up along with the Mommies, Daddies, and Grandmas that go with them. The party was a blast! Tonight Santa is coming for Story Time! And then the weekend...Woohoo!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Three Things Thursday

1. I am so excited that so many people have joined the "Merry-thon!" And I am excited to have some new blogs to read and friends to make :) Let's Get Running!

2. I had a great 2.25mi run last night, but overslept this morning and didn't get to the gym. I usually take Fridays off from the gym, but I will replace today's run tomorrow afternoon.

3. Tonight we are having a Fancy Nancy Christmas Party at the library...those of you with young girls probably know all about Fancy Nancy. It should be alot of fun! Maybe there will be pictures later :)