Thursday, September 9, 2010

Three Things Thursday

1. I have done great this week in regards to both of my challenges. My 30 Day Shred Challenge is going great, and I will be moving on to level two in a couple of days. When I started the challenge, I was sick and taking antibiotics, but I am so glad I was able to power through those first few days because now I have no excuse not to "just do it." Last night, it was 10pm before I was able to get the DVD in, but I was so happy to finish it for the day. My DDGbD challenge is also going well, I have one more day of week 3 in the couch to 5k and so far so good. I am still able to keep up the speed, and this makes me excited! My food journaling has been a bit too sporadic, and I think I may have to return to pen and paper because some days its just too hard to fit in time to get online for  food journaling, but I love sparkpeople when I have the time to devote to finding my food  in the database. Even though I haven't journaled the way I should I know that I haven't had any big splurges, and with my internal calorie count I am hitting my range just right.

2. Today I tried a new piece of equipment at the gym. The Summit Trainer. Have any of you guys tried this beast?! I made it through a half mile today, but I will face him again soon! My legs were like jello when I got much harder for me than the elliptical. This will be a great challenge for me to conquer!

3. The little yellow butterflies fluttering around lately make me so happy. I just can't see one without smiling :) I've always heard when you start seeing these guys, fall is just around the corner :)


  1. Great going on both of your challenges. You inspire me on trying new gym equipment--there's one I'm thinking I should add to my routine. Maybe I will. I like butterflies too. I've noticed little white ones around here lately, are they related?

  2. Good job on your challenges!!!
