Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ready for the "Merry-thon!"

I am so excited that several of you have decided to join me for the "Merry-thon!" Yesterday was my first day back at the gym in a week and WOAH could I feel it. A mile into my run I felt like I was going to puke and walked the next mile, but tonight I plan to add on another quarter mile until I have worked my mileage back up. I know having this challenge and knowing you guys are keeping up your mileage up is going to help to keep me motivated as we head into the holiday season. Thursday I will have to hit the gym at 5AM UGH...because I have a monster of a day at work and probably won't get home until about 10 that night! It wears me out just thinking about it :)

What are you guys looking forward to the most this month?  I love our town's Christmas Parade. I have been in the parade the last couple of years, but this year I decided with all that was going on at the library, we just didn't have time to put a float together. I am so excited about being a spectator! I also enjoy our town's tree lighting that will be this weekend...the weather is supposed to be gloomy and wet, so I am not sure I can talk T into going, but sometimes he surprises me! And I must leave you with a sweet picture of Humphrey sleeping under the tree :)


  1. LOVE the picture! Too sweet! As for feeling sick...something that worked for me when I was feeling sick during runs was to make sure I eat enough carbs before running a few miles. And make sure you digest before you run! Hope this helps :)

    were you ever able to find those protein bars? I have found even more that I love...trial and error right?


  2. Glad your challenge is helping you!

    I'm most excited to go to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert!

  3. Christmas has been hard for me for the last few years since I lost my dad but I get through because my kids happiness helps me.
    I am most looking forward to the sparkle in their eyes on Christmas morning to warm my heart!
    Love your photo!
    Oh and on the running, I find when I'm feeling ill, taking a rest day always helps, lots of rest and fluids and then I'm good to go in a shorter amount of time, then if I were to push the running while sick.
