Thursday, November 11, 2010

Three Things Thursday

* I am continuing my Thankful series for Three Things Thursday during the month of November.

1.  I am thankful for good friends.I have several friends in my life that truly mean the world to me. I believe that people come in and out of our lives for a reason. I am thankful for old friends and new ones. I am thankful for friends that call for no reason,and friends that show back up in my life after a brief hiatus. I am thankful for the friends that sat and held my hand when I was scared and Dad was sick. The ones that cried with me when he passed away. And then celebrated mine and Tommy's love on our wedding day. I am thankful for "Girl's Nights" and "Evenings with the Boys." I am thankful for true friendships.

2. I am thankful for my little pup, Humphrey. I had no idea what joy this little guy would bring me when he first showed up at our house needing a home. Tommy bought me a cute little magnet that says, "Who saved who?" and I believe that is so true. He is always so excited to see me when I get home at night, and I love our "weekend adventures."

3. I am thankful for vacation days. Last week I said I was thankful for my job, and that is very true. I love it, but I also love a few days off occasionally. I am using three days of vacation time this week, and it has been wonderful! Yesterday, Tommy and I went to the zoo and had a blast. Today I ran errands and had a great time just browsing through some stores. Very nice!


  1. I like this post! It is important to stop and be thankful for all that we have every once in a while. I am working on adding some weekly topics to my blog as well. I think it spices things up! :)

  2. I love this post...and truly every Thursday should be Thankful Thursday...and you have three thankfuls...I am sure that's by design. Thanks for posting this and what a great idea...keeps it all in perspective. I hope that you don't mind if I borrow this idea from you!!!!

    (And you are so right about Humphrey...a four-legged friend (canine or feline or other) can add so much to our lives...I have three critters...two dogs and a cat...and although they are each different...they both add so much to my life!!!

  3. I love your Thankful Thursday. Great idea!!

    Keep focused!!

  4. Hey I tagged you in a little question game!

  5. I love these posts! Glad to hear all is well with you. I've been MIA for the past week, so I have some catching up to do!
