Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Back in the Groove

The last two days I have been getting back in the groove of going to the gym. Yesterday I did my muscles class at the gym and some stretching. Today I ran 2 miles using 6/2 intervals (running 6 minutes/walk 2). I did a walking warm up and cool down for a total of 2.5 mile and then did some more stretching. It was a gorgeous day and I had done my gym workout this morning, so after dinner Humphrey and I went to the park for a walk. It has been two weeks since we have been to the park and he was soo excited. He got even more excited when we got there and they were doing team photos with the local little leagues. He made lots of new friends today! Here are a couple of fun pictures :)
So excited!

Mom...stop taking pictures and let's go!!

Are we there yet?

That was fun!
We walked a full mile and he was worn out. I had forgotten to bring water for him, but will remember next time. I think if he could have had a water break he could have gone a little longer :)

Hope everyone is having a great week!


  1. your dog is absolutely adorable! LOVE! yayyy for getting back into gym routines :)

  2. Your dog is so cute!!! Great job getting back into the swing of things. :)

  3. Your dog is so cute! I'm thinking of taking my fur baby out on a run today. He has been full of energy recently and I think he'd enjoy it. :)

  4. It always feels nice to get back into the groove. Cute dogie!

  5. Ditto the cute pooch comments -- like the look of your blog -- nice!

  6. Love your dogs name. Really cute!! Sounds like you had a great time!!

    Stay focused!
