Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Blah Day

I am having a blah day. I have honestly been on the verge of tears all morning. Yesterday was pretty blah too, and I skipped working out last night. The heat was out at the library yesterday, and I had been freezing all day... I just wanted to go home. When I got in, Tommy asked what I was making for dinner and I just have a complete come apart because I didn't feel like cooking. Instead we had Spaghetti- Os (so much for non processed foods) and I was in bed by 7.  I was just exhausted. This morning, I called the doctor's office to confirm the thyroid scan, and was told that they didn't do the scan at that office, that they would just set up an appointment at the hospital. My GP will do the scan in her office and it was at her office that the blood work was taken showing that there were issues, so I called and got an appointment for the scan at 8 and then I will have my yearly physical at the OBGYN at 10:30. These two offices are an hour from each other (and they are calling for MORE SNOW) so hopefully I won't have any problems getting back and forth.

I usually try not to get too involved on the internet when it comes to medical stuff, but I have googled information about the thyroid and found that alot of the foods that I LOVE can affect the thyroid. Cabbage, broccoli, and soy are major offenders, and foods that I eat everyday. After finding out more from the doctor, I will do more research and will possible have to change alot of the things I eat.

I think I am just feeling overwhelmed right now. Hopefully, everything will be okay and with some medication and slight diet adjustments I can move past all of this worry. Please say a little prayer for me in the morning.


  1. I can't imagine what you must be feeling, no wonder you're exhausted, your brain must be going a mile a minute. I'll be thinking of you!! Hopefully all you will get are answers and you'll be able to sort out of underlying questions you've had.

  2. What type of thyroid issues are they saying you are having? How did they discover thyroid issues? Were you having problems?

    Any sort of medical problem is scary and I hope they come to a conclusion and get you back to yourself again! Sometimes we need a break from the working out, cooking...LIFE in general. Sleep was probably the best thing for you!

    Exercise is a big stress reliever so if you feel overly stressed, try some stretching or a treadmill...something to help you relieve that pent up frustration. Good luck and keep us posted!

  3. Hopefully you are getting the answers that you seek!!!! (I love all of those foods that you referenced, too!). I personally know how WebMD (or any other research on the Internet) can lead you in one direction or another--but leave it to the professionals (as much as you can!). Hopefully you will get good news today!

  4. I hope everything turns out okay!! And remember, exercise is one of the best ways to feel better!! Dont overlook the a simple workout to get your endorphins going!!

  5. This sounds like I lie, but it is the truth-- I am eating spaghetti O's as I am reading your post! :D

    It's okay to fall apart sometimes. You had a hard day and have a lot going on.

    I hope you feel well soon. ((hugs))

  6. I hope everything is okay! Hang in there. If you miss one day at the gym just remember to get back in there!

  7. I'm hoping for the best for you! ♥ I know it's tempting to want to look up information on online sites, but it's definitely best to get your info directly from the doctor(s) you visit regularly, who deal with your specific, individual case. I always look things up and then regret it because my mind starts going a million miles an hour with all the possibilities.

  8. Hope you're feeling back to yourself soon! :(

  9. You know I will be praying for you. I know its so hard to not know and play the waiting gain to see what the issue is. And I agree about researching medical stuff on the internet. I try to stay away from it too because it tends to be scary. Trust your doctors and please let me know how you make out. So, its a scan you are having tomorrow? Is the biopsy tomorrow? Sorry I am confused...

  10. sorry...I meant the waiting game...
