Sunday, March 6, 2011

30 Day Challenge Update

Yesterday, I completed Day 5 of my 30 Day Challenge. I am 1/6 of the way to my goal! After work tonight, I will get Day 6 into the record books and finish up my Wii Time for the WWW Challenge.  This is what the rest of my workouts looked like this week!

Monday- Spinning class and Upper Body Strength Training
Tuesday- 1 mile run, 1.5 mile walk with treadmill's cardio heart rate program
Wednesday- Rim 1mile, walk 4 miles
Thursday- 1 Mile run, 1.5 mile walk with treadmill's cardio heart rate program & upper body strength training
 Friday- 1 Mile run, 1.5 mile walk with treadmill's cardio heart rate program
Saturday- 1 Mile run, 20 minutes Wii Fit


  1. Well done on your weeks training....always good to have a good week...then the pressure is on to make the next week as good or even better....LOL, well that is how I find it.

  2. Once you get a certain number of days logged, you won't want to have to start over!

    Are you going to run on Monday, too, or do you take one day off a week? I may have missed something! :)

    I am enjoying running so much! I owe you for some of that! You inspired me to get started for sure. Thanks so much!


  3. J- I will run on Monday (I hope). I didn't run last Monday because I started the 30 Day Challenge on Tuesday :)

  4. Wow- fantastic job on the workouts!
