Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Last night at the gym my throat felt a little funny, but I didn't think much of it.This morning when I got up,my ears were kind of bothering me and my throat felt really scratchy. I decided to bite the bullet and see if the doctor could fit me in today so that I could nip this in the bud. An hour and a half at the doctor's office,two shots, and two antibiotics later I am officially "sick." The doc said she was very happy that I decided to come on in because the throat issues could have turned into strep if I had waited too long. I have ear infections in both ears. I don't have any fever and honestly other than a little fatigue and the scratchy throat I don't feel too bad. Today will be my official rest day from exercise. Tomorrow I will play it by ear....if nothing else I want to get in my 30 Day Shred routine since it is the first day of the challenge. I am hoping the shots will do their magic and I will be feeling fine tomorrow and can continue with the fall exercise routine. But I will not push myself too hard. I took a sick day, and tomorrow starts my "vacation" from work through the end of the week. So I should have plenty or recovery time :) I'm off to have soup and liquids! Hope y'all have a great day!


  1. Take care of yourself! I'm glad you got in to see the doctor before it got out of control.

  2. Take it easy, girl. I'm sure a 29 day shred would work well, too. If you over exert, you may be sick longer.

  3. Feel better! Get some rest and keep up the liquids!
